Hello World
Hello World
Welcome to My First Blog Post!
This is the beginning of my journey building a SAAS platform for small/medium reno/construction companies. The idea came to me after listening to Jhon Rush and Greg Isenberg's podcast.
"Take a boring idea that is already working and give it your own spin."
Renosyncpro came to me very naturally, I would say. A friend that works in a renovation company shared his pain points: how WhatsApp was their communication and documentation tool, how hard it was to keep everyone in sync, especially when the chats were getting long, and how difficult it was to keep track of media files despite them using a shared drive. The amount of administrative work required to generate a report and so on was also a concern.
I took a look at the solutions around, and they sure solve my friend's issues, but he mentioned that some of them were hard to use with a lot of unneeded features. I also looked at the market in that space, "construction management software," and it was surprisingly big, almost 4 billion in 2023. Source
So why not try something new?
Although I've been building mostly software that uses AI, and that is what I'm interested in the most, I've been finding a lot of AI use cases in Renosyncpro, which I will be releasing as I go and improving based on feedback from users.
I have to admit that I'm not sure what I'm getting into. I'm excited to see where I can take this project, not only from building the platform alone but also from learning marketing and sales, especially in an unknown space for me.
So without further ado, welcome to Renosyncpro.